Age-Related Macular Degeneration
AMD is a disease that can decrease your vision dramatically. It is the leading cause of legal blindness over 65 years of age. Genetics is a strong risk factor, but the disease can be modified by diet, vitamin therapy, smoking cessation, which are also risk factors. Treatment for the most damaging type, ‘wet’ or ‘exudative’ macular degeneration exists (injections, laser treatments) but does not prevent further loss and typically only stabilizes vision. The key is prevention.
For more detailed information/discussion:
For information on dietary recommendations:
For an Amsler Grid to print:
For details on the AREDS2 study:
Glaucoma is a condition where an increase in the pressure inside the eye leads to damage of the nerves that transmit vision signals to the brain. Many individuals may have a genetic predisposition. In open angle glaucoma, the disease is treatable with eyedrops. Acute angle closure glaucoma is treatable before vision loss can occur with a simple laser procedure. Without adequate treatment or if progression occurs despite therapy, more eyedrops or laser and/or surgical techniques can be used (stent, filtering bleb, trabeculectomy, etc). Some forms of the disease may be congenital (at birth) but most develop over time, generally after the age of 40.
For more detailed information/discussion:
For some latest news on glaucoma:
For information of eyedrops used for therapy:
For written recommendations on how to use drops:
For a video on how to use drops:
Cataracts- a normal change in the transparency of the human crystalline lens. This creates glare, dimming of vision (like wearing sunglasses all the time), and decreased vision. Surgery is now highly successful, quick, and the result is frequently better vision than the patient has had in their lifetime. Complications, as with any surgery, can occur, but are uncommon. The original form of cataracts cannot re-occur as the lens is removed, but the outer capsule of the lens remains in the eye and may require a laser procedure (done in the office without ‘going back into the eye’ as in the original surgery) if it develops a haze over time. For more information, see:
The Risk of Smoking
Any smoker knows that when they see any doctor that a discussion of the habit will ensue. In eyecare, we see cataracts at an earlier age, 3 to 4 times the incidence of macular degeneration, increased risk for glaucoma, and multiple vascular diseases in the eye (arteriolar occlusions, venous occlusions, ischemic optic neuropathy) that are directly related to smoking. The risks can be significantly reduced just by stopping. For more on this, see AllAboutVision:
Amblyopia (Lazy Eye)
This term describes the condition where one eye cannot see, even with the best pair of glasses, as well as the other eye. This can be caused by conditions such as a congenital (there at birth) cataract, strabismus (eye turn: crossed eye), or anisometropia (large differences in prescription between the two eyes). Frequently this can be corrected by early diagnosis and prescription for full-time wear of glasses. It may require patching or dilation of the good eye to help balance the vision. In some cases surgery may be required to straighten the eye or remove a cataract or corneal opacity. More information on this can be found on AllAboutVision: